About us

Project Asmi is an initiative by Pragyam Foundation. The foundation is a registered non-profit.

The Need

A study says, at present, the mental health needs about 150 million Indian school children are grossly under served. Approximately 48 million children across the country may be at risk and need help for a variety of cognitive, social-emotional behavioral problems. Another concern area is the increase in reports on suicidal behaviours.

Similar studies from around the globe supported the fact that around 15% children suffer from significant mental health problems, affecting their social and physical functioning. Only 1 in 50 people with mental health problems have access to treatment in developing countries (and 1 in 3 in wealthy nations).

Research from the Indian Council of Medical Research reported that 12% children between 4 to 16 years suffered from psychiatric disorders in India. Around 13 to 14 percent of all school children suffer from learning disorders.

Project Asmi aims to address these gaps and building inclusive schools by engaging holistically with school and community. It also provides accessible mental health services to beyond school age group and aims to reach more needy people.
